Geology fieldwork
Licence Sciences de la Terre Parcours Geology, geophysics, georesources (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


Identification of rocks and sedimentary structures in the field, stratigraphic column representation, stratigraphy, geological mapping, tectonics, reconstruction of the history of the studied area, links with the regional geological context.

Compétences requises

Basic knowledge of physics, chemistry, and structure of the Earth. Sedimentology, depositional environments, cartography, basin analysis and sequence stratigraphy, structural geology.

Compétences visées

By the end of this course students should be able to

·        Recognize the main sedimentary rock and sedimentary structures with a reasoned diagnosis.

·        Associate facies and depositional environments.

·        Apply the principles of stratigraphy to date rocks in a relative way and to understand the evolution of depositional environments in space (lateral variation of facies) and time.

·        Draw a stratigraphic column.

·        Understand the organization of geological formations in 3 dimensions, to complete a geological map, to characterize deformation of rocks and be able to make geological cross-sections.

·        Tell the story of a given area.


Field geology, sedimentology, stratigraphy, depositional environments, tectonics, geological history, regional geology


Gerard V. Middleton, Michael J. Church, Mario Coniglio, Lawrence A. Hardie, Frederick J. Longstaffe Encyclopedia of Sediments and Sedimentary Rocks.

Reineck and Singh, Depositional Sedimentary Environments.


Responsable(s) de l'enseignement

Autres contacts

Laurent Gindre