External envelopes
Licence Sciences de la Terre Parcours Geology, geophysics, georesources (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)
solar energy and the atmosphere (the atmosphere’s radiative budget, Earth’s albedo, the greenhouse effect) - the link between energy and climate (incident solar energy and climate belts, how the ocean’s store and transfer energy) - the carbon cycle (its reservoirs, how the cycle arises, how it’s perturbed by anthropic pressure, its role in climate change) - the water cycle (reservoirs, how the cycle arises, its main physical processes, continental surface and subsurface water, water exploitation and protection).
Compétences visées
Be able to defined:
- solar energy balance on earth surface,
- processes responsible of heat circulation and transfers,
- different atmospheric layers and characteristics,
- main drivers of atmospheric and oceanic circulation,
- global atmospheric circulation (Hadley, Ferrel and polar cells),
- stratification of ocean,
- global superficial and deep oceanic circulation, upwelling and downwelling, different climate on earth surface, past climate changes and Milankovitch parameters, carbon cycle, water cycle.