4th European geothermal Workshop 2015 : "Characterization of deep geothermal systems"

Événement passé
19 20 octobre 2015

L'EOST co-organise la 4ème édition de l'European Geothermal Workshop qui se déroulera les 19 et 20 octobre à Strasbourg dans les locaux du Collège doctoral européen.

This workshop aims at discussing new approaches, methods or data in the fields of deep geothermal reservoirs for energy exploitation with a strong focus on on-going research. It proposes a platform of scientific exchange, especially between PhD students and scientists. We encourage PhD students and scientists involved in geothermal reservoir technology to present their recent research and ideas.


Site web du colloque 

Workshop sessions

Keynotes: Experienced scientists will discuss up to date practices, current research aspects or last state of the art for specific topics relevant to the workshop. Discussion time will follow.

Oral session: Ph.D. students are invited to present their on-going work during a 15-minutes talk and a 5-minutes discussion. An extended abstract with approx. 4 pages must be submitted. 

First-aid session: Support session for young Ph.D. students who cannot yet present results. They are invited to present their questions related to their PhD topic on 2-3 slides. A one-page description must be submitted.

Poster session: Session addressed to every participant (PostDoc / Ph.D. students /?). Posters are open over the workshop with specific dedicated time during lunch and coffee breaks. An extended abstract (up to 4 pages) must be submitted. At the end of the workshop a poster-prize will be awarded.


Registration fee : 150 ? 

Registration and submission deadlines : September 30, 2015

Flyer EWG 2015