
Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'École et observatoire des sciences de la Terre (EOST)Parcours Diplôme d'ingénieur de l'EOST


  • Géotechnique – Sols - Reconnaissances
  • Contraintes et déformations
  • Hydraulique des sols
  • Tassements et compressibilité – Amélioration des sols
  • Poussée et butée des terres
  • Murs de soutènement et stabilité des pentes
  • Fondations superficielles
  • Fondations profondes
  • Présentation de projets : viaduc de Millau en fondation mixtes, aéroport de Nice sur sol liquéfiable, tunnel...


  • - Geotechnics - Soils - Recognition
  • - Stresses and deformations
  • - Soil hydraulics
  • - Settlement and compressibility - Soil improvement
  • - Earth pressure and earth abutment
  • - Retaining walls and slope stability
  • - Superficial foundations
  • - Deep foundations
  • - Presentation of projects: Millau viaduct with mixed foundations, Nice airport on liquefiable soil, tunnel...

Compétences visées

Les cours de l’UE géotechnique et ses applications ont pour principal objectif d’apporter les bases nécessaires pour aborder la compréhension et les justifications des ouvrages géotechniques et des ouvrages en interaction avec le sol, aux étudiants de l’EOST.
Les étudiants sont capables d'analyser un contexte géologique et hydrogéologique en vue de concevoir un ouvrage géotechnique. Ils maîtrisent les bases du dimensionnement des principaux ouvrages géotechniques (fondations et soutènements essentiellement) tenant compte des mécanismes entre le sol et l’ouvrage et des contraintes environnementales. Les cours contribuent à sensibiliser les futurs ingénieurs aux enjeux de conception, aux différentes méthodes de calcul (équilibre limite, analyse limite, éléments finis, etc.) et aux normes de dimensionnement.
L’enseignement de l’UE géotechnique présente les différents aspects de la mécanique des sols, l’identification des sols et de leurs risques associés sur les ouvrages géotechniques, le comportement des sols sous différentes sollicitations et les principes du dimensionnement.

The main objective of the Geotechnics and its applications courses is to provide EOST students with the necessary basis for understanding and justifying geotechnical structures and structures interacting with the ground.

Students are able to analyze a geological and hydrogeological context in order to design a geotechnical structure. They master the basics of dimensioning the main geotechnical structures (mainly foundations and supports) taking into account the mechanisms between the soil and the structure and the environmental constraints. The courses contribute to the awareness of future engineers to the challenges of design, to the different calculation methods (limit equilibrium, limit analysis, finite elements, etc.) and to the design standards.

The teaching of the Geotechnics UE presents the different aspects of soil mechanics, the identific ation of soils and their associated risks on geotechnical structures, the behavior of soils under different stresses and the principles of design.

School regulations

The curriculum includes three years of study: admissions, the organisation of studies, assessments, placements and vivas, graduation and international exchanges are all explained in the current school rules (pdf).

First and second year courses

First and second year courses

  • General modules: mechanics, geology, mathematics, IT, digital analysis, signal processing, inverse methods.
  • Geophysical methods: physics of the Earth, seismology, seismic modelling and imaging, geodesy, gravimetry, potential methods, geomagnetism, electromagnetism, rock physics and fracture, hydrology.
  • Practical work: geophysical measurements in the field (photo) and in the laboratory, geology field placements in the Alps.
  • Languages and economic and social sciences: English, modern language 2, economics, industrial property, management, sustainable development, ethics, quality, company health and safety
  • IT and research projects, shared with the first year of the master’s degree
  • Summer placements at a laboratory or company, with numerous opportunities abroad (international placement contact: Mike Heap)

Third year course

Students have a choice of 3 specialisations in the third year:

  • Geophysics applied to the exploration and production of raw materials: seismic and hydrodynamic characterisation of reservoirs, seismic processing and interpretation, potential methods.
  • Geophysics applied to geotechnics: geotechnics and the resistance of materials applied in civil engineering, geomechanics, hydrogeophysics, electromagnetic methods, earthquake.
  • Hydrogeology, hydrogeochemistry, hydrogeophysics (HydroG3).

Additional teaching:

  • Languages and economic and social sciences: English, energy economy, company strategy and structure.
  • Geophysics field camp in Alsace (photo).  Here are images of a normal fault in the Rhine Graben taken by students.
  • 6-month industry placement culminating in the writing of a dissertation and a viva before a jury in order to obtain the engineering degree. The placements are carried out all over the world.