The Earth as a worksite and laboratory

Earth as a worksite and laboratory

EOST Engineering graduates use geophysics around the world for:

  • geophysical service companies specialising in underground prospection
  • oil and gas companies
  • companies with business interests involving the Earth's crust, subsoil, the seabed, IT
  • public organisations in charge of managing subsoil, the environment and natural risks
  • higher education and research

Graduates’ futures show that the EOST’s Engineering degree in Geophysics is recognised nationally and internationally.

Engineering student follow-up - 2021 year

Engineering student follow-up - 2020 year


Former students run the association Géophyse.

Career opportunities in geophysics are linked to growing energy and mineral requirements and the improving management of environmental constraints and natural risks.

For more examples, see:

  • The "Jobs/Courses" section of the Société Géologique de France website
  • the  "A Career in Geophysics" site of the Canadian Society of Exploration Geophysicists


As the school is part of the University of Strasbourg, former students are also involved in its Alumni network.

The international Alumni network aims to promote mutual support between generations, to provide access to professional expertise and to help graduates find jobs. As such, the SRA offers several schemes and services to members of the Alumni network.

Read profiles of former engineering students