Research is developed in two mixed laboratories of the CNRS and Strasbourg University: the Institute of Physics of the Earth of Strasbourg IPGS, and the Laboratory of hydrology and geochemistry of Strasbourg, LHyGeS.
Research at IPGS is focused on the comprehension of the solid Earth, by observation and modelling of geological and geophysical phenomenon. It also bears on applied sciences: environment, natural resources (energy, water) and risk assessment, specifically seismic risks and landslides.
Since its beginning in 2009 by the gathering of 3 research teams, the LHyGeS has been dedicated to the analysis and the understanding of hydrological and geochemical phenomenon in natural environments.
This unit focuses on the construction of quantitative and predictive patterns, through an approach combining geosciences, environmental and engineering sciences.
Labex G - deep geothermal
Within the framework of the "Investing in the Future" programme launched in 2011, EOST is concerned with the G-eau-thermie profonde project. This "Laboratory of Excellence" (Labex) aims at improving knowledge of deep geothermal reservoirs and developing techniques for the exploitation of this sustainable resource.
Equipex ("Equipment of Excellence") are cutting edge scientific equipment financed by the government's "Investing in the Future" program. They aim to place French research on a competitive plane Internationally.
EOST is strongly involved in the Equipex projects in geophysics (Resif-Core and Miga), and in environmental sciences (Critex).