Ordinary and partial differential equations

Ordinary and partial differential equations
Licence Sciences de la Terre Parcours Geology, geophysics, georesources (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


ODE: First order ordinary differential equations and higher order linear ordinary differential equations including Laplace transforms and series solutions. 

PDE: First order equations, well-posedness, characteristics, wave equation, heat equation, Laplace equation, boundary conditions, Fourier series, applications.

Compétences requises


Compétences visées

This course introduces students to the study of first and second order ODE’s, with constant and non-constant coefficients. Students will learn the method of series solutions for constant and non-constant coefficients problems and that of Laplace transform for ODE’s with discontinuous terms.

This course also introduces students to the study of Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) primarily through an in depth examination of the simplest and most important PDEs that arise in the sciences: the wave equation, the heat equation, and Laplace's equation.