Cartography and GIS
Licence Sciences de la Terre Parcours Geology, geophysics, georesources (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


The cartography part of the course will cover the basic principles of geological mapping, including topographic and geological maps, topographic profiles, geological cross-sections. It will include application exercises in tabular series, monoclinal series, folded series, faulted series, series with angular unconformity, thrusts, etc.                 

Through cartography, the course will also explore stratigraphy and geological history.

GIS (geo-referenced information systems) are becoming indispensable in all domains in which spatialized data are acquired and analyzed, which includes the geosciences. This part of the course will introduce the ideas behind GIS and give students practical working knowledge of open-source GIS software. Topics include spatial data analysis, cartography, data visualization, and practical applications in various fields such as environmental science, urban planning, hydrology and geology. This course creates an idea about Geographical Information Systems, to understand the essence of GIS and to learn that GIS occupies an important place in modern scientific research.    

Compétences requises

Basic knowledge of physics, structure of the Earth, sedimentology, depositional environments. Familiarity with basic computer skills and data handling. Introductory knowledge of geography or environmental science.

Compétences visées

By the end of this course, students should be able to                                       

·        Read a map and to understand the organization of geological formations in 3 dimensions.

·        Make geological cross-sections.

·        Produce a map commentary to tell the story of a given area.

·        Apply the principles of stratigraphy to date rocks in a relative way.

·        Understand the basic principles and components of GIS

·        Gain proficiency in spatial data management and analysis

·        Develop skills in creating thematic maps and conducting spatial queries

·        Create a database and build models in GIS

·        Processing images of raster and vector models in GIS


Cartography, cross sections, geological structures, geological history, stratigraphy, GIS (geo-referenced information system)


Alex Maltman, Geological maps: An Introduction. Publisher Springer; U.S.A. (2012).

Edgar W. Spencer, Geologic Maps: A Practical Guide to the Preparation And Interpretation of Geologic Maps. Publisher‏: ‎Waveland Pr Inc; 2nd edition (2006). -официальный сайт ESRIGis.

 "Geographic Information Science and Systems" by Paul A. Longley, Michael F. Goodchild, et al.

« Thinking about GIS: Geographic Information System Planning for Managers”  Roger Tomilson , June 2003

"Mastering ArcGIS" by Maribeth H. Price

 Arc Hydro « GIS for Water Resources” David R Maidment and Scott Morehouse | Aug 1, 2003

 David D. GIS for everyone: exploring your neighborhood and your worl with a geographic information system. California: ESRI press, 2003, 152 p.


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