Quelques publications sur le sujet

  • Amalvict, M., Hinderer, J., Boy, J.-P. and Gegout, P., 2001. A three year comparison between a superconducting gravimeter (GWR C026) and an absolute gravimeter (FG5#206) in Strasbourg (France), J. Geod. Soc. Japan, 47, 334-340.
  • Amalvict, M., Hinderer, J., Mäkinen, J., Rosat, S. and Rogister, Y., 2004. Long-term and seasonal gravity changes at the Strasbourg station and their relation to crustal deformation and hydrology, J. of Geodyn., 38, 3-5, 343-353.
  • Rosat, S., Boy, J.-P., Ferhat, G., Hinderer, J., Amalvict, M., Gegout, P. & B. Luck, 2009. Analysis of a ten-year (1997-2007) record of time-varying gravity in Strasbourg using absolute and superconducting gravimeters: new results on the calibration and comparison with GPS height changes and hydrology, J. of Geodyn., 48, 360-365.