Introduction to Georessources
Licence Sciences de la Terre Parcours Geology, geophysics, georesources (UFAZ) (délocalisé en Azerbaïdjan)


The Introduction to Georesources course is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of various georesources, their exploration techniques, and sustainable management practices. Georesources include minerals, fossil fuels, groundwater, and other natural resources found within the Earth's crust. This course will cover the scientific principles, technologies, and ethical considerations involved in the responsible utilization of georesources for economic and societal benefit.

Compétences visées

By the end of this course students will be able to                                     

1. Define the concept of georesources and describe their significance in modern society.

2. Explain the geological processes that lead to the formation of georesources.

3. Explain the exploration techniques used to identify and evaluate georesources.

4. Discuss the environmental and societal implications of georesources extraction.

5. Discuss sustainable management practices for georesources to ensure long-term availability and environmental stewardship.


Arndt N, Ganino C (2012) Metals and Society, An Introduction to Economic Geology.

Arndt NT, Fontboté L, Hedenquist JW, et al (2017) Future Global Mineral Resources. Geochem Perspect 1–171.

Pohl WL (2022) Economic Geology Principles and Practice

Neukirchen F, Ries G (2020) The World of Mineral Deposits, A Beginner’s Guide to Economic Geology.