Monica Riva : Characterization of sedimentary basins in the presence of mechanical and geochemical compaction.

22 May 2014

Séminaire du LHyGeS le jeudi 22 mai à 11h

Intervenante : Monica Riva, professeur à  Politecnico de Milano (Italy)

Sujet : Characterization of sedimentary basins in the presence of mechanical and geochemical compaction.
Résumé : We present an inverse modeling procedure for the estimation of model parameters of sedimentary basins subject to compaction due to mechanical and geochemical processes. We consider a sandstone basin whose dynamics are governed by a set of unknown model parameters. These include geophysical and geochemical system attributes as well as pressure and temperature boundary conditions. Parameter estimation is performed within a Maximum Likelihood framework. Results are illustrated for a one-dimensional setting involving quartz cementation and mechanical compaction in sandstones.