Le troisième European Geothermal Workshop, EGW, ?Characterization of Deep Geothermal Systems? se tiendra les 15 et 16 octobre prochains au KIT à Karlsruhe.
<link http: www.agw.kit.edu egw2014.php _blank>Site web de la conférence
Date limite de soumission des résumés : 15 septembre
Date limite d'inscription : 30 septembre
PhD, graduate students and scientists involved in geothermal reservoir technology are strongly encouraged to present their newest research and ideas.
There will be four kinds of sessions
- Keynotes: Keynotes from Serge Shapiro (FU Berlin-Geophysik, Berlin), Zonghe Pang (Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing), Jean Desroches (Schlumberger, Paris) and Thomas Kohl (KIT-Geothermie, Karlsruhe) are confirmed.
- Oral session: 15-minutes talk + 5-minutes discussion. An extended abstract with approx. 4 pages must be submitted.
- First-aid session: Support session for young Ph.D. students who cannot yet present results. They are invited to present their questions related to their PhD topic on 2-3 slides. A one-page description must be submitted.
- Poster session: Posters are open over the workshop. An extended abstract (up to 4 pages) must be submitted. At the end of the workshop a poster-prize will be awarded.
There will be no registration fee for students.