Sekhar Muddu : "An overview of modeling with satellite and in-situ observations to study hydrology & crop in the Kabini river basin, South India"

3 juin 2013

Séminaire du LHyGeS

Intervenant : Prof. Sekhar Mudu, Indian Institute of Science, Center for Infrastructure and Sustainable Transport (CISTUP) & Indo-French Cell for Water Sciences - Bangalore, Inde

Titre : "An overview of modeling with satellite and in-situ observations to study hydrology & crop in the Kabini river basin, South India" (résumé à lire sur le site du Lhyges :

Lieu : EOST, 1 rue Blessig, amphi Daubrée


Résumé :

The Kabini river basin located in South west India is part of investigations being carried out by Indo-French cell for water sciences LMI (Laboratoire Mixte International). In this talk, the studies focussed on the agro-hydrological modeling in this catchment would be presented. Studies related to retrieval of soil moisture and LAI from microwave satellites have been performed through CAL/VAL experiments, which would be presented. Moreover these retrieved variables are being used with hydrology and crop models. An application would be presented wherein inversion of crop model for estimating soil hydraulic properties and modeling spatial variations of recharge using remotely sensed variables was performed. Ongoing studies of modeling ET using remote sensing and rainfall retrieved from satellite products would be illustrated