Purusattam Ray : "Equivalence of a earthquake model and driven Edwards-Wilkinson interface"

18 septembre 2014

Séminaire IPGS le jeudi 18 septembre à 13h45

Intervenant :  Pr. Purusattam Ray, The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai 600113, India 

Titre : "Equivalence of a earthquake model and driven Edwards-Wilkinson interface"

Lieu : EOST, 5 rue Descartes, salle du conseil 2e étage

Résumé : We discuss the equivalenc eof the dynamics in a disretized version of the Burridge-Knopoff train model with random pinning (instead of frictional force) and the propagation of the Eswards-Wilkinson (EW) interface thourgh random media. Both these models exhibit power law avalanche statistics with similar (within numerical error) exponents. We find the complimentary observation of depinning velocity growth in the train model and Omori law of after-shock avalanches in EW model.

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