Major Historical Earthquakes of the Rhine Graben : Interplate - Intraplate Continental Deformation

11 13 mai 2015
9h 17h30

L'IPGS organise un colloque sur la sismicité historique du Fossé rhénan les 11, 12 et 13 mai prochains.

Le colloque international accueillera plus de 60 participants et spécialistes appartenant à diverses institutions scientifiques françaises et étrangères (Allemagne, Royaume Uni, Turquie, Israel, Suisse, Italie, USA, Nouvelle Zélande, Hongrie, et Belgique).

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The Rhine Graben is an active zone with low deformation rate and a complex pattern of intraplate deformation with rifting. Intraplate seismogenic structures are indicators of significant strain accumulation far from plate boundaries. Understanding the deformation in such context remains a key issue to better identify the processes controlling the occurrence of moderate and large intraplate earthquakes and estimate the associated seismic hazard.

Comparing the Rhine Graben with other rifting zones in intraplate or interplate context would help to improve our evaluation of the seismic hazard in continental Europe. The development of new approaches using seismic and GPS networks, combined with InSAR, LIDAR and field investigations in tectonic geomorphology and paleoseismology along active faults provide a wealth of data on earthquake ruptures and their return period. 

Lieu : EOST, 5 rue René Descartes, amphi Rothé.

The meeting language will be English.

Local Organizing Committee: Mustapha Meghraoui, Ulrich Achauer, Frederic Masson, Alessia Maggi, Sophie Lambotte, Christophe Sira, Cecile Doubre, Olivier Lengliné.