Hayrullah Karabulut : "The Images of Anatolia: Geophysical Layers for a Comprehensive Geodynamic Model in the Easternmost Mediterranean"

5 avril 2016

Séminaire IPGS, le mardi 5 avril à 13h45.

intervenant : Hayrullah Karabulut, Department of Geophysics, Bo?aziçi University, Turkey

Titre : The Images of Anatolia: Geophysical Layers for a Comprehensive Geodynamic Model in the Easternmost Mediterranean

Lieu : EOST, 5 rue René Descartes, Amphi Rothé

Résumé :

The Eastern Mediterranean is one of the most active, rapidly deforming regions on the Alpine- Himalayan orogenic belt and the Anatolian plate is the key element in this tectonic settings. We observe all aspects of major tectonic forces within this relatively small piece of continent, surrounded by the subduction along the Hellenic arc, continental collision in the east and squeezed two lithospheric scale strike slip faults. What are the common elements for all this distinct processes ? I present geophysical images from surface to lower mantle in an attempt to provide some insights on how this geodynamic engine works.