Maksim Bano

Sélections de 5 publications:

Bano, M., Loeffler, O. and Girard, J-F., 2009. GPR response and FDTD modeling to fuel
infiltration in a sand box experiment, C. R. Geoscience, Vol. 341, p. 846–858.

Yalciner, C., Ç., Bano, M., Kadioglu, M., Karabacak, V., Meghraoui, M. and Altunel, E.,
2008. New temple discovery at the Archaeological Site of Nysa (Western Turkey) using GPR method, Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol 36, p. 1680–1689.

Bano, M. 2006, Effects of the transition zone above a water table on the reflection of GPR waves, Geophys. Res. Lett, 33, L13309, doi:10.1029/2006GL026158.

Bano, M., 2004. Modelling of GPR waves for lossy media obeying a complex power law of frequency for dielectric permittivity. Geophys. Prosp , Vol. 52, p. 11-26.

Loeffler O. and Bano, M., 2004. GPR measurements in a Controlled Vadose Zone: Influence of the Water Content. Vadose Zone Journal, Vol. 3, p. 1082-1092.